Rockstar: Annabelle Persson
This could have been a nice picture of Annabelle and me if she was looking at the camera but....
...THIS is what she was looking at, people crowded around to get a look at her. Chinese people are facinated with "white skined" blue eyed babies. They love babies anyway, but a blue eyed one is a star here in China.
When Mårten put her in the Baby Bjorn people started to follow him and take pictures because they look so much alike.
Here is a family taking pictures with Annabelle and their kids. The little boy was scared to pose next to her. We probably got stopped 10 times so we could pose with people.
At 11:39 AM,
Ashley said…
wow! so crazy, if erik was there with eden the four of them would have caused a riot!!
At 12:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Vilken succe Annabelle gjorde i Kina. Störst succe har hon nog ändå gjort i Sverige. Vi pratar jätteofta om henne och följer hennes framsteg med stort intresse.
Igår var jag i Sjöbo och lämnade tillbaka ett släp som Mårten lånat och då pratade vi förstås mycket om er.
Ha det riktigt bra och sköt om er!
Kram från oss alla
At 6:59 AM,
E.M. said…
Holy cow, I love it. Chinese people freaking out over Annabelle - awesome!
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