To Annabelle on her first birthday:

You still use you middle finger to point with and to touch everyones nose with. You hate sleeping and I am lucky if I can get you to nap during the day for an hour. You love an audience and will do all of your tricks when watched. You like to kiss animals in books, but not mamma and pappa so much. (I am working on this) You are curious about everything and you LOVE to go out. It does not matter where as long as there are things to look at. You turn heads wherever we go. People want to touch you and hold you. You have had countless pictures taken of you by people we meet in the streets, airports and malls. You are a superstar. We have already flown with you to 3 different countries (Sweden, China, USA) and are about to take you to your 4th (Vietnam). You are a great traveler,only you don't like to sleep because there is so much going on in airplanes. So it can be tough on us. You love to swim. You laugh so hard when I play the breakfast taco game that Aunt Kelsey made up. You can say mamma, pappa, wow and bye bye. You said "Mormor" today for the first time when we were on Skype with her. You are only days away from walking. And are sometimes too smart for you (and our) own good. It is so hard to describe in words how funny and incredible you really are. You have to be seen to be believed.
I look at you everyday and can't believe how lucky and proud I am to be your mamma. I can't believe I get to tell people you are MY daughter.
At 3:33 AM,
LeftyMama said…
Happy Birthday, Annabelle!
At 12:47 PM,
Lotta said…
Grattis på 1-årsdagen Annabelle! Vilket fint brev din mamma har skrivit! Hälsa hela din familj!
Simon med familj
At 6:56 AM,
Kelsey said…
Oh so sweet! I can't believe she is one already, either. Did she like her cake?
Love love love her!
At 9:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
That is exactly the way I felt about you and Kelsey...and I may not have said it, but I lived it every day. So proud to have you as my daughters...and so proud to have Ms. Belle and Mr. Henry as my barn barns.
At 8:05 PM,
courtney said…
Happy Birthday Annabelle! I can't believe you are one already and we haven't met you yet! You must convince your jetsetter parents to come to Texas more often. Fiona, Coston, & Remy would love to play with you. You are a doll - too, too cute!!
At 2:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hej på er alla! Vilket jätterart brev din mamma har skrivit till dig Annabelle! Ett stort, stort GRATTIs i efterskott till dig lilla gumman!!
Vi har ju varit i Österrike och åkt skidor sedan vi hördes av senast och du kan tro att dina kusiner Jakob och Johanna kan åka skidor bra. Även din farbror Mårten åker fint men din faster tar sig nerför backarna lite mera knaggligt. Vet du vad knaggligt är? Pappa och farmor berättar.
Ha det nu riktigt bra ni alla och hälsa alla! Sköt om er och hoppas att ni har haft det riktigt bra i Vietnam och att du charmat vietnameserna också, lilla Annabelle!!
Vi hörs snart igen.
Många kramar och pussar
Anneli ( din faster)
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