Baby Annabelle

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Things I have to remember....

She skips everywhere. Even when she is in trouble and is crying and I send her to her room, she skips.

She loves to play pretend and is several different things everyday. Ballerina, dinosaur, kangaroo, horse, alien, Pippi Longstockings, super Annabelle, doctor Annabelle, ambulance..

She is obsessed with hospitals and doctors. She loves to go to the doctor. I went to get my haircut and she thought a doctor cut my hair and wanted to go.

She loves Cars, Barbappa, Legos, and Dinosaurs.

She loves to watch The Simpsons, Cops (especially the song and when the cops drive really fast)and any TV show that has doctors on it.

Will stop to talk with anyone we meet when we are out. She talks all the time.

The last thing we talk about at night is the first thing we talk about the next morning.

Stinky blahs and Mr.Heetee

She is a really good dancer and really funny too. I love love love to watch her dance.

She makes me laugh hard everyday. I wish we could freeze time.

I am still her favorite. For now.